Wednesday, November 14, 2007



MY name is Pastor Shahid M.Paul. Was born in 1980 in Faisalabad city, which is third last city of the country. Basically my father was a farmer. And other family members were Walking in God's Power at that time. I was nominal Christian as well. But by the grace of Lord Jesus I was saved through the grace of Lord Jesus Christ and He baptized me In Holy Spirit in 1996. That was really a marvelous experience in my life. I was teen-ager that time. When God chose me in my teen age and God brought great change in my life through this experience in my life and Lord doves me with the authority and healing gift and teaching and preaching his word since that time. After completion of my basic education I joined bible collage in Faisalabad for three years diploma program In (Evangelical Bible institute) affiliated with Korean Mooing Sing church) which was completed in 2003. And in my free time I was continue serving the Lord. Since that time I am full time in the service of God and pasturing the church in local Area and sharing gospel and witnessing Christ where ever I go he used me by his mighty hand and through awesome grace.
send a Prayer request!
Contact us:
Cell: +92-345-7699869

My Vision

My vision
I am challenged by the life style of Saint Paul and his disciple st. Timotheus and they are my spiritual ideals in the church history. By the grace of our Lord Jesus I am very clear in my vision.
For sharing gospel where there this is not yet preached. Bringing unsaved to the salvation. Preaching gospel amongst other nations and doing church planting and discipleship Training for those who have calling in this area from the Lord and sending them out into the field for sharing Christ and for winning soles for the eternal life.
There fore we are committed to do that and we are preaching gospel every where season and out of season for his glory where ever The Lord open the door for us and guide us.
Pagans and nominal Christians are one of our top priorities for out reach goals.
We have started church planting in the center of Christian villages’ areas .now I am doing Church Planting in Rural Areas Said Salik Town Faisalabad as a Senior Pastor. I have 120 Church Members and 50 Sunday school Children’s. We need your Prayer for More work of Gospel in These Areas.

A Challenge for Us
This vision is no small task, for within those nations lay the largest spiritual strongholds in the world today that have yet to be conquered by the Gospel.